We believe in an education that is artistic, academic, interdisciplinary, multi-sensory, practical, and social. Our curriculum unfolds according to the educational and emotional needs of the child’s developmental stages. The foundations for working with a challenging curriculum in the middle and upper grades are laid in the early childhood program, in the early grades, and in the home. Social skills are expanded and individual responsibility is encouraged. Academics are strengthened and deepened in the middle grades. In the high school years the education builds on good work habits and emphasizes creative, independent thinking. Throughout, parental support of the education plays an essential role.
PreK Program:
Each day has a dependable structure with outdoor and indoor creative play, baking or cooking, gardening, painting, drawing and beeswax modeling, nature activities, circle time, a wholesome snack, storytelling and puppetry.
Homeschool Enrichment:
This Homeschool Enrichment program is designed to enrich your current homeschooling curriculum by giving students the opportunity to join one of our grades classes for part of each week.
Home School Enrichment is personalized to each family’s homeschooling needs, and is offered on an annual basis. Enrollment is subject to space availability.