Bayfront Park and Marina is located nearby Ringling Bridge, right in the heart of downtown. Enjoy a scenic park, O'Leary's Tiki Bar, Marina Jacks, the "Olympic Wannabees" statue and many scenic views!
The playground and splash pad have new features and amenities, such as new climbing structures, plenty of seating areas, and large sails that offer shade. The new splash pad system allows children to control the flow of water instead of having a continuous flow like before. The original concrete animal sculptures from the previous Steigerwaldt-Jockey Children’s Fountain have been placed in the new landscaping after being restored by the artist.
The playground and splash pad areas are ADA-compatible following the City’s ADA plan to update accessibility in City-owned spaces. Therefore, the new design raised the splash pad up by about seven feet to be level with the playground. This allows the playground and splash pad to become one entity instead of two separate ones like previously designed.
Dog Friendly
Drinking Fountain
Food & Beverage
Kayak / Canoeing
Picnic Tables
Public Art
Rental Venue
Walking Path
Water Feature