Our eyecare professionals are dedicated to providing quality care to ensure the best possible health of your eyes. We carry the latest diagnostic equipment allowing the most accurate assessment and comprehensive testing available. Our staff is dedicated to providing caring service to each and every patient.
All children should have a comprehensive eye exam by a board certified optometrist or ophthalmologist. Although pediatricians and school programs offer vision screenings, many conditions can still be missed. A child should have his/her first eye exam at age 6 months, and again at age 3. InFocus Family Eyecare is a proud member of the InfantSEE program. The InfantSEE program offers a free eye exam to infants within their first year of life. The public health program is managed by Optometry Cares and The American Optometric Association and is dedicated to ensuring that eyecare and visual health become part of a child’s health assessment at an early stage of life.