Safe Place and Rape Crisis Center (SPARCC) is actively engaged in primary prevention initiatives to break the cycle of violence in future generations through outreach and education to area youth. In working with students of all ages, we find that there can be difficulty in understanding the difference between abusive and healthy relationships. On a broader level, many students can lack the skills needed to clearly communicate their feelings and boundaries to others. SPARCC provides students with basic skills and information to help them avoid unhealthy relationships.
The primary goals of our programs are to:
Teach skills for healthy relationships
Promote positive self-esteem and respect
Change social norms about dating relationships in the school, community and peer groups
Create a positive and respectful school environment
Develop teen leadership
Provide support for at-risk students
SPARCC provides prevention education presentations free of charge to local schools and community youth programs.
These presentations address a variety of topics through age appropriate curriculum and include topics such as:
Healthy Relationships
Internet Safety
Gender Roles
Dating Violence
Sexual Assault Prevention
Conflict Resolution
Date Rape Drugs
Topics are typically presented as multi-session presentations and can be tailored to meet each teacher’s classroom needs.
Please contact SPARCC's Community Awareness Department for more information or to schedule a presentation.