Membership in the organization is open to young and old alike who are interested in learning about and developing skills related to water skiing and water safety, and to adults who desire to educate, coach and supervise. Said membership is conditional upon the approval of the organization's Board of Directors. The Ski-A-Rees have much to offer to both the single person as well as the entire family. There are currently approximately 80 active members ranging in age from 3 years old to over 70.
There are many activities that are needed to run a organization like the Ski-A-Rees other than water skiing. Such as: announcers, sound technicians, costume designers & seamstress, dock & equipment maintenance, stage hands, tow boat & safety boat driving, boat observers, set designers & builders, script writers, fund raising, publicity, sponsorship, concessions, club officers, and directors.
The Ski-A-Rees are an amateur water ski team. We are not necessarily looking for the ultimate water skier. If you have some ability and the desire to work, learn and be part of a team, then we have a place for you.