Join us for our monthly Homesteading and Farm Swap Event with a Easter Egg Hunt for the littles! We will be meeting at Bethany Baptist Church from 10:00am-12:00pm to buy, sell and trade goods.
This is not a yard sale… If you make, bake, grow, raise, create or build something then this event is for you! No vendor fees as this is a FREE event and everyone is welcome. If you feel inclined we do ask for a donation for the church.
You can back your vehicle up and sell right out of your trunk if you wish or pack up a table and set up a display. This is a low key, laid back environment that is designed to create community sustainability and allow us to all support each other’s efforts to farm and homestead without relying on big box retailers.
Don’t have anything to sell or trade? That’s okay, bring cash and come shop!
We look forward to seeing you. Please share this event and help us grow this community. Much love!